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Todo lo que necesitas para transformar tu canal de WhatsApp.

Transformamos conversaciones de WhatsApp en ingresos 🚀💰🦄

Hablar con ventas
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Provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt molli
Provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt molli

Automatiza tu
Startup Compañia Negocio Empresa

Explota el poder de las conversaciones de WhatsApp
Envía noticias, novedades, lanzamientos y promociones con mayor efectividad. Crea estrategias de WhatsApp Marketing para tu negocio.
Mejora la experiencia de tus clientes con el uso de BOTs, automatiza respuestas y personaliza mensajes.
Crea equipos de contacto virtuales y descentralizados. Aumenta la productividad de equipos de ventas, atención al cliente y soporte técnico.
Simplifica tus procesos de extremo a extremo, integrando tus herramientas a Wa2Desk.
Comercio Conversacional
Simplifica tus procesos de extremo a extremo, integrando tus herramientas a Wa2Desk.

Fácil + Rápido + Accesible


¡Nuestro asistente controla todo lo que sucede en tiempo real!
Reglas de negocio
¡Nuestro sistema tiene la capacidad de adaptarse a las necesidades de tu negocio!
Conéctese con otros sistemas fuera del ecosistema de WhatsApp.


Escala tu negocio con WhatsApp fácilmente.

  • Llega a muchos más clientes.
  • Envía campañas de marketing en simples clicks.
  • Aumenta tus ventas a través de WhatsApp.
  • Presenta tu catálogo de productos.
  • Automatiza tus preguntas frecuentes


Organiza todos tus chats en un solo lugar.

  • Todos tus equipos de trabajo en una sola línea.
  • Supervisa tus chats en tiempo real.
  • Organiza, etiqueta y asigna tus conversaciones.
  • Perfila y filtra a tus clientes.


Ahorra tiempo y dinero.

  • Atiende a tus clientes 24/7 con tu Chat-Bot
  • Agiliza tu tiempo de respuesta.
  • Conecta todas tus plataformas sin tener que programar.
  • Identifica a tus clientes potenciales rápidamente.

Nuestro impacto en América Latina

Ayudando a empresas de todas las industrias.

Optimizando la forma en que se comunican con sus clientes a través de WhatsApp!

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0 K+


0 M+


0 M+


Collect the needed information and see the results easily

Transform your decision-making process accessing crucial metrics and insights at your fingertips. Say goodbye manual data entry time-consuming spreadsheets.
Learn More About This Feature

Professional email tools built to grow your business

Transform your decision-making process accessing crucial metrics and insights at your fingertips. Say goodbye manual data entry time-consuming spreadsheets.
Learn More About This Feature
0 %
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0 %
Provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt molli
0 M
Provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt molli

Powerful features for your business growth

Email Marketing

Transform your process crucial metrics insights goodbye manu data entry time

3600 Automation

Transform your process crucial metrics insights goodbye manu data entry time

Website Popups

Transform your process crucial metrics insights goodbye manu data entry time

SMS Marketing

Transform your process crucial metrics insights goodbye manu data entry time

Any questions? we’ve got your answer

1. How does the technology work?

Transform your decision-making process accessing crucial metrics and insights at your fingertips. Say goodbye manual data

2. What is digital marketing?

Transform your decision-making process accessing crucial metrics and insights at your fingertips. Say goodbye manual data

3. How often will I get Sassland mails?

Transform your decision-making process accessing crucial metrics and insights at your fingertips. Say goodbye manual data

4. Is it close to regular newsletter?

Transform your decision-making process accessing crucial metrics and insights at your fingertips. Say goodbye manual data

5. How automated is this?

Transform your decision-making process accessing crucial metrics and insights at your fingertips. Say goodbye manual data

Increase your sales with Sassland today

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Customer Support

Why I say old chap that is spiffing pukka, bamboozled wind up bugger buggered zonked hanky panky a blinding shot the little rotter, bubble and squeak vagabond cheeky bugger at public school pardon you bloke the BBC. Tickety-boo Elizabeth plastered matie.!

According to Envato’s licensing, you can use SaasLand or any other theme on only one website. If you want to use it on multiple websites, you must buy multiple licenses.

Yes, SaasLand comes with ThemeForest’s standard 6 months support. We conduct the support via theme’s “Comments” section and also our support ticketing system.

After the 6-month period is over you can buy extended support. You can buy extended support in the beginning, too. I that case you get a 1-year support in total.


yes, you can use all the Home demos in a single website.

There are over 200 shortcodes/blocks/elements in SaasLand. You can use any block/element into any page as you want.

In brief, we are responsible for the features that are advertised in the theme. So we will do the following:
– Solve bugs if there is any (bug means if any feature is not working as it should)
– If you have any question we will answer it
– After your installation if you face any issues/bugs, we can look into your website or server, but we don’t guarantee any solution or custom works there.


According to Envato’s licensing, you can use SaasLand or any other theme on only one website. If you want to use it on multiple websites, you must buy multiple licenses.

There are over 200 shortcodes/blocks/elements in SaasLand. You can use any block/element into any page as you want.

We comply fully with Envato’s refund policy. We issue refunds for the reasons Envato permits us to give refund and we don’t issue refunds on the cases Envato does not guarantee refunds. Please check Envato’s refund policy: https://themeforest.net/page/customer_refund_policy

Pricing & Support

Aut mauris ultricies error! Consequuntur eveniet impedit lacus cupidatat harum nobis minim ad beatae hendrerit explicabo, soluta, atque? Hic condimentum itaque id torquent

The payment is one-time. After you pay the one-time price of the theme, you will never be charged for it. But you can buy extended support after your support expires after 6 months.

Yes, SaasLand comes with ThemeForest’s standard 6 months support. We conduct the support via theme’s “Comments” section and also our support ticketing system.

After the 6-month period is over you can buy extended support. You can buy extended support in the beginning, too. I that case you get a 1-year support in total.

In brief, we are responsible for the features that are advertised in the theme. So we will do the following:
– Solve bugs if there is any (bug means if any feature is not working as it should)
– If you have any question we will answer it
– After your installation if you face any issues/bugs, we can look into your website or server, but we don’t guarantee any solution or custom works there.

Purchasing Online

Wisi nam ridiculus sociosqu nascetur at cillum! Dolore adipiscing? Mattis ut repudiandae, alias sit felis urna aut non, est posuere, molestias esse montes vel, posuere asperiores? Magna nihil eligendi exercitationem aptent

Volutpat? Magni labore dapibus minus unde fermentum illo nunc, vestibulum earum eveniet, ipsam urna, excepturi! Autem, proin quam tempora! Suscipit cupidatat vitae, vitae

Aut mauris ultricies error! Consequuntur eveniet impedit lacus cupidatat harum nobis minim ad beatae hendrerit explicabo, soluta, atque? Hic condimentum itaque id torquent

The payment is one-time. After you pay the one-time price of the theme, you will never be charged for it. But you can buy extended support after your support expires after 6 months.

SaasLand comes with “Elementor” which is a very advanced, drag-n-drop page builder. For Elementor related issues, you may check their support: https://elementor.com/support/


Yes, SaasLand is compatible with WordPress 5.0 and higher versions.

Yes, SaasLand is compatible with Gutenberg.

Yes, WooCommerce is integrated and fully functional in SaasLand. You can build your own store using SaasLand.

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